Thursday, February 08, 2007

One man band

This is the sound of me and the stick shift car passing through the security gates, within sort of a 20 second range the following tune is played... voom, squeek squeek, click click click, BEEEP, pause pause pause, VOOOM, mama Sai Qe, shuga shuga shuga, pupuupurrrrrr.... and if its raining, add swish swish swish to the background...

voom : changing to a lower gear as I apporach the gate
squeek squeek : as I wind down the window
click click click beeeeep : as I fumble with the access card and beep the gate
pause : 3 seconds for gate to rise
VOOOOM : as I am on low gear and don't want the engine to die
MAMA SAI QE : nate says, mama's sports car!
shuga shuga shuga : as I wind up the window
pupuupupurrrrr : as I change gears again

I can't wait till I get my Scenic, a renault I think with many small compartments to put things away and all the driver does is stick in the key, and put forward or reverse, the car will switch on the lights if needed, switch on the wipers if needed! Its now been in service check for a month as we are buying it second hand from loren's predecessor.

TIA or This is Africa is the latest phrase word from Blood Diamonds or TISA, this is south africa, you can't pay for express service, two weeks delivery means probably three.

Today I snet nate to school and there was a big pile of cut grass, the boys took a wheelbarrow and chucked a pile of grass in, ran to the geese and fed them, i got some pix, now to learn to download fm new camera!

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