Thursday, October 18, 2007

Brooms and balls

Nate was obsessed with balls, he would point to balls, pick balls up etc... he is now obsessed with cars. Ike at the same age (ie now) is obsessed with..... brooms or anything with a handle. So I will be getting him a witch's broom for halloween.

Ike has now decided to drop his am nap and naps only once a day, nate has decided not to nap and so my day seems to never end. I now need to reschedule Ike's activities. In yoga this week we explored themes, mine seem to say lack of time or I am obsessed with time (you think?? considering I love making timetables). So apparently I should stop being so time oriented, ie let go (I shall smash my watch?) and flow.... hmmm....

Here are some left over pics, the big fire engine from the Dainfern Fun Day on Sunday. The big mulberry tree in nate's school is really producing yummy fruit, we pick some when we get there and pick some before coming home, here is nate on the car bonnet so he can reach. They are probably not commercially viable tho as they stain clothes and fingers, I look like I perpetually have dirt under my nails. The rose bushes in our front have EXPLODED. There is a lovely faint smell of rose petals when one walks pass, in some homes where they have different colored ones and huge ones, they are just spectacular.

Next week I plan to have william go harvestl the mulberries into containers so moms can take them home, its such a waste as they now just fall to the ground, wonder why no birds eat them? or its just too much. But where else will we get freshly picked fruit when all the nutrients and antioxidants are intact?

I took nate to see Ratatouille on monday, well we lasted about 40 mins into the movie and left. Now I have to watch movies in sections too... and some movies like cars, I have the script in my head, speeed, I am speeeeed.

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