Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Bullet's diagnosis

The parenting class got cancelled today, Charmain had her baby (emily) on her birthday, Shelley feeling sick and Michelle had to take Axel to the dr, so I managed to see Dr. Miller.

Bullet's liver filtration system has not been in use for some time so it has shrunk, there are only a small amount of "filters" so liver regeneration is not possible. He is lucky to be alive still and is not likely to live to a full weim age of 8-12 years, we would be very lucky if he lived till 8 years old (he's 4.5 now). He has to go onto long term medication, if he were human he would have to get a liver transplant.

Here is my veggie plots, my lettuce is growing quite nicely, the tomatoes have flowered... even ike wants to get into the action! I took a look at tray one in worm farm one, and there are plenty of worms making plenty of nice dark fertile compost!

I managed to find some halloween stuff too, I need to get nate a pirate costume for school!

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