Saturday, October 20, 2007

Nate's concert

Nate's concert was very entertaining and he did really well. I have ordered the DVD and will get it in about 4 weeks time, I will learn to do postings on YouTube so those who really want to watch can do so, or I can send out DVDs as well.

So the program went like this...

All the kids walked onto the stage to their tune as the headmistress played the piano, there was a game ranger, 2 elephants, 1 monkey, 0 tiger (who has mumps and we are to expect more kids getting mumps now), 2 mammas, 1 crocodile, 4 zulu boys, 1 miss muffet and 1 spider, 3 ants and 3 twinkle stars.

They all sang, hello mom's and dads... and helped out with each other's songs. There was the game ranger song, elephant song, monkey monkey (the monkey had a great costume and did the song well too), tiger tiger, down by the river, crocodile song (the croc was also very cute, great costume and good performance), three little zulu boys (one boy got shy and stayed off stage), little miss muffet, incy wincy spider, ants go marching (the boys wore helmets with fuzzy feelers) and twinkle twinkle little star (as the last ones they were so scared? that 2 stars started crying, only kelly did her star song).

Nate did the pick up spear action, the spear went zip thru the air, hit a "springblock" and the took the springbok back to the village.

At the end Phedre (the headmistress) said, "you should let kids watch less TV and at school we try to get them to listen" and then she played their songs randomly and that was their listening cue to leave the stage.

Nate said he really likes singing and he does from time to time sing the tunes at home, at the concert you could actually hear his voice. Those Speech and Drama classes are paying off.

Tonight is the finals for rugby world cup, go bokkes go!!!

1 comment:

gremlin said...

nate's absolutely adorable in that costume! hi, it's gwen (damian's other half). it's a charmed life you're leading over there :) the fauna and flora make me real green. and your babies r lovely.