Thursday, October 11, 2007

Toothless dog

So poor pistol went to the dentist again, he had 4 loose teeth and so out they went, he has no more front teeth left, only his molars... how will he defend himself?

Here is Ike and me lunching at the Palazzo hotel yesterday, we had an electricity cut, so I thought I'd take him to a place where they have their own generators, it was a nice day, we had a nice lunch and the wine on the menu looked good soI had a glass of wine as well, which helped my ability to nap 30 mins as I had to wake up a few times the night before for nate, ike and bullet. That day I also decided to pick nate up at 2pm instead of 1pm. That nap was wonderful. Nate does not want his naps in the pm so I think i will leave him in school for that extra hour.

Speaking of food, Christine outdid herself this week wiht the wontons, really yummy and on top of that there was home made hot hot chilli sauce!

I am thinking of taking nate to see the new disney movie, ratatouille...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hello, today I took off in lieu of Hari Raya Puasa on Sat. So I showed Mu your blog from home. He was impressed ! We have seen Ratatouille already, its quite funny, but not really appetising to watch hundreds of rats 'cooking' in a French restaurant.....judy