Saturday, October 20, 2007

Worm Farm

For those who have asked for shots, here are some pics of my two worm farms, they are really neat, after having them for several months, I have graduated to tray 2 of both systems and in tray 1 there is a rich, dark moist compost.

In that white tiny bucket, worm pee or worm tea is collected, added with 100 parts of water, it is my main source of fertilizer for the garden. We toss all organic stuff in and I tossed in rose petals to make the pictures more palatable for those who are squirmish. I see many tiny baby worms and some days loads of large squiggly ones. The pumpkin seeds that we threw out are also sprouting in the units but won't survive because of the lack of light.

There smell coming out is like an earthy rainforest smell which is quite nice except that it reminds me of the leeches that lurk in the rainforest. I am now quite confident about the farms that I want to order the larger industrial unit. I take ike to look at the farm everyday.

The large purple tree is a jacaranda, they are in full bloom now and purple trees dot the landscape of Joburg. The sun now rises at 5ish, the birds however like to greet each other in the morning and are chirping lourly at 430am, so I now wake at 430 and can't get back to sleep. I need to sleep at 9pm to get in 8 hours... the last few nights I have slept at 10 and 11 and it is just torture for the chirpy birds to do 430 and the the hardeedars to squak at 5. I think SA wake up early because of these creatures and not the weather and if awake might as well go excercise?

Its 7pm, all is quite, one more post and I am off to bed.

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